Registration and filing of new raw materials: Application for administrative license of new cosmetics raw materials should be submitted according to the provisions of administrative license application for cosmetics, including administrative license application form for new cosmetics raw materials, development report, production process description and sketch, raw material quality and safety, control requirements, toxicological safety evaluation data, etc

Registration and filing service: account opening, preliminary examination of product formula, file preparation, internal and outer packaging label audit, administrative acceptance, product test, and obtain filing certificate Domestic and imported special cosmetics: technical evaluation, certification making, to obtain the administrative license


Sensory evaluation + Professional safety evaluation + Professional efficacy evaluation + Strict quality management system

Cosmetic efficacy evaluation refers to the process of scientific testing and reasonable evaluation of cosmetic efficacy claims under normal use conditions by means of literature research, research data analysis or efficacy evaluation test, and making corresponding evaluation conclusions.

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ADD:Tenth Floor, Zone B, Building 1, No.955 Liuxiang Road,Nanxiang Town,Jiading District, Shanghai

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